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Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences
Address: c/o Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
Email: [email protected]
Phone/Fax: +81-22-224-3852
President: Masaaki OWADA (Department of Geosphere Sciences, Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation, Yamaguchi University)
Vice President: Toru INOUE (Earth and Planetary Systems Science Program, Graduate School of Advanced
Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University)
Secretary: Hiroshi ISOBE (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University)
IMA representative: Tadao NISHIYAMA (Kumamoto University)
IMA Japan Section Meeting:
Chairman:Tadao NISHIYAMA (Kumamoto University)
Vice Chair:Ritsuro MIYAWAKI (National Museum of Nature and Science)
Secretary: Hiroaki OHFUJI (Tohoku University)
See online: Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences and Science Council of Japan
The Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS) is a contact society as a member of IMA on behalf of the official representative of Science Council of Japan. It is a scientific association with 957 members, established in 2007 by merging the Mineralogical Society of Japan, founded in 1955, and the Japanese Association of Mineralogists, Petrologists, and Economic Geologists, established in 1928.
Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences (JMPS); ISI journal with an impact factor
Ganseki Koubutsu Kagaku (GKK, Japanese Magazine of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences); in Japanese
The JAMS belongs to a group of mineralogical and geochemical participative societies publishing Elements.